1 #include <symengine/add.h>
2 #include <symengine/pow.h>
3 #include <symengine/rings.h>
4 #include <symengine/monomials.h>
5 #include <symengine/symengine_exception.h>
7 namespace SymEngine
8 {
10 void expr2poly(const RCP<const Basic> &p, umap_basic_num &syms, umap_vec_mpz &P)
11 {
12  if (is_a<Add>(*p)) {
13  auto n = syms.size();
14  const umap_basic_num &d = down_cast<const Add &>(*p).get_dict();
15  vec_int exp;
16  integer_class coef;
17  for (const auto &p : d) {
18  if (not is_a<Integer>(*p.second))
19  throw NotImplementedError("Not Implemented");
20  coef = down_cast<const Integer &>(*p.second).as_integer_class();
21  exp.assign(n, 0); // Initialize to [0]*n
22  if (is_a<Mul>(*p.first)) {
23  const map_basic_basic &term
24  = down_cast<const Mul &>(*p.first).get_dict();
25  for (const auto &q : term) {
26  RCP<const Basic> sym = q.first;
27  if (not is_a<Integer>(*syms.at(sym)))
28  throw NotImplementedError("Not Implemented");
29  int i = numeric_cast<int>(
30  down_cast<const Integer &>(*syms.at(sym)).as_int());
31  if (is_a<Integer>(*q.second)) {
32  exp[i] = numeric_cast<int>(
33  down_cast<const Integer &>(*q.second).as_int());
34  } else {
35  throw SymEngineException(
36  "Cannot convert symbolic exponents to sparse "
37  "polynomials with integer exponents.");
38  }
39  }
40  } else if (is_a<Pow>(*p.first)) {
41  RCP<const Basic> sym
42  = down_cast<const Pow &>(*p.first).get_base();
43  RCP<const Basic> exp_
44  = down_cast<const Pow &>(*p.first).get_exp();
45  if (not is_a<Integer>(*syms.at(sym)))
46  throw NotImplementedError("Not Implemented");
47  int i = numeric_cast<int>(
48  down_cast<const Integer &>(*syms.at(sym)).as_int());
49  if (not is_a<Integer>(*exp_))
50  throw NotImplementedError("Not Implemented");
51  exp[i] = numeric_cast<int>(
52  down_cast<const Integer &>(*exp_).as_int());
53  } else if (is_a<Symbol>(*p.first)) {
54  RCP<const Basic> sym = p.first;
55  if (not is_a<Integer>(*syms.at(sym)))
56  throw NotImplementedError("Not Implemented");
57  int i = numeric_cast<int>(
58  down_cast<const Integer &>(*syms.at(sym)).as_int());
59  exp[i] = 1;
60  } else {
61  throw NotImplementedError("Not Implemented");
62  }
64  P[exp] = coef;
65  }
66  } else {
67  throw NotImplementedError("Not Implemented");
68  }
69 }
71 void poly_mul(const umap_vec_mpz &A, const umap_vec_mpz &B, umap_vec_mpz &C)
72 {
73  vec_int exp;
74  auto n = A.begin()->first.size();
75  exp.assign(n, 0); // Initialize to [0]*n
76  /*
77  std::cout << "A: " << A.load_factor() << " " << A.bucket_count() << " " <<
78  A.size() << " "
79  << A.max_bucket_count() << std::endl;
80  std::cout << "B: " << B.load_factor() << " " << B.bucket_count() << " " <<
81  B.size() << " "
82  << B.max_bucket_count() << std::endl;
83  std::cout << "C: " << C.load_factor() << " " << C.bucket_count() << " " <<
84  C.size() << " "
85  << C.max_bucket_count() << std::endl;
86  */
87  for (const auto &a : A) {
88  for (const auto &b : B) {
89  monomial_mul(a.first, b.first, exp);
90  mp_addmul(C[exp], a.second, b.second);
91  }
92  }
93  /*
94  std::cout << "C: " << C.load_factor() << " " << C.bucket_count() << " " <<
95  C.size() << " "
96  << C.max_bucket_count() << std::endl;
97  for (const std::size_t n=0; n < C.bucket_count(); n++) {
98  std::cout << n << ": " << C.bucket_size(n) << "|";
99  for (auto it = C.begin(n); it != C.end(n); ++it)
100  std::cout << " " << it->first << myhash2(it->first) %
101  C.bucket_count();
102  std::cout << std::endl;
103  }
104  */
105 }
107 } // namespace SymEngine
Classes and functions relating to the binary operation of addition.
T at(T... args)
T begin(T... args)
Main namespace for SymEngine package.
Definition: add.cpp:19
void monomial_mul(const vec_int &A, const vec_int &B, vec_int &C)
Monomial multiplication.
Definition: monomials.cpp:7
RCP< const Basic > exp(const RCP< const Basic > &x)
Returns the natural exponential function E**x = pow(E, x)
Definition: pow.cpp:271
void expr2poly(const RCP< const Basic > &p, umap_basic_num &syms, umap_vec_mpz &P)
Converts expression p into a polynomial P, with symbols sym
Definition: rings.cpp:10
void poly_mul(const umap_vec_mpz &A, const umap_vec_mpz &B, umap_vec_mpz &C)
Multiply two polynomials: C = A*B
Definition: rings.cpp:71
T size(T... args)