| DenseMatrix (const DenseMatrix &)=default |
| DenseMatrix (unsigned row, unsigned col) |
| DenseMatrix (unsigned row, unsigned col, const vec_basic &l) |
| DenseMatrix (const vec_basic &column_elements) |
DenseMatrix & | operator= (const DenseMatrix &other)=default |
void | resize (unsigned i, unsigned j) |
RCP< const Basic > | get (unsigned i, unsigned j) const override |
void | set (unsigned i, unsigned j, const RCP< const Basic > &e) override |
virtual vec_basic | as_vec_basic () const |
unsigned | nrows () const override |
unsigned | ncols () const override |
std::string | dumps () const |
| Returns a string of the instance serialized.
virtual bool | is_lower () const |
virtual bool | is_upper () const |
virtual tribool | is_zero () const |
virtual tribool | is_diagonal () const |
tribool | is_real (const Assumptions *assumptions=nullptr) const override |
virtual tribool | is_symmetric () const |
virtual tribool | is_hermitian () const |
virtual tribool | is_weakly_diagonally_dominant () const |
virtual tribool | is_strictly_diagonally_dominant () const |
virtual tribool | is_positive_definite () const |
virtual tribool | is_negative_definite () const |
RCP< const Basic > | trace () const |
unsigned | rank () const override |
RCP< const Basic > | det () const override |
void | inv (MatrixBase &result) const override |
void | add_matrix (const MatrixBase &other, MatrixBase &result) const override |
void | mul_matrix (const MatrixBase &other, MatrixBase &result) const override |
void | elementwise_mul_matrix (const MatrixBase &other, MatrixBase &result) const override |
void | add_scalar (const RCP< const Basic > &k, MatrixBase &result) const override |
void | mul_scalar (const RCP< const Basic > &k, MatrixBase &result) const override |
void | conjugate (MatrixBase &result) const override |
void | transpose (MatrixBase &result) const override |
void | conjugate_transpose (MatrixBase &result) const override |
void | submatrix (MatrixBase &result, unsigned row_start, unsigned col_start, unsigned row_end, unsigned col_end, unsigned row_step=1, unsigned col_step=1) const override |
void | LU (MatrixBase &L, MatrixBase &U) const override |
void | LDL (MatrixBase &L, MatrixBase &D) const override |
void | LU_solve (const MatrixBase &b, MatrixBase &x) const override |
void | FFLU (MatrixBase &LU) const override |
void | FFLDU (MatrixBase &L, MatrixBase &D, MatrixBase &U) const override |
void | QR (MatrixBase &Q, MatrixBase &R) const override |
void | cholesky (MatrixBase &L) const override |
void | row_join (const DenseMatrix &B) |
void | col_join (const DenseMatrix &B) |
void | row_insert (const DenseMatrix &B, unsigned pos) |
void | col_insert (const DenseMatrix &B, unsigned pos) |
void | row_del (unsigned k) |
void | col_del (unsigned k) |
bool | is_square () const |
virtual bool | eq (const MatrixBase &other) const |
virtual std::string | __str__ () const |
void | jacobian (const DenseMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &x, DenseMatrix &result, bool diff_cache) |
void | sjacobian (const DenseMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &x, DenseMatrix &result, bool diff_cache) |
void | diff (const DenseMatrix &A, const RCP< const Symbol > &x, DenseMatrix &result, bool diff_cache) |
void | sdiff (const DenseMatrix &A, const RCP< const Basic > &x, DenseMatrix &result, bool diff_cache) |
void | add_dense_dense (const DenseMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &B, DenseMatrix &C) |
void | add_dense_scalar (const DenseMatrix &A, const RCP< const Basic > &k, DenseMatrix &B) |
void | mul_dense_dense (const DenseMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &B, DenseMatrix &C) |
void | elementwise_mul_dense_dense (const DenseMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &B, DenseMatrix &C) |
void | mul_dense_scalar (const DenseMatrix &A, const RCP< const Basic > &k, DenseMatrix &C) |
void | conjugate_dense (const DenseMatrix &A, DenseMatrix &B) |
void | transpose_dense (const DenseMatrix &A, DenseMatrix &B) |
void | conjugate_transpose_dense (const DenseMatrix &A, DenseMatrix &B) |
void | submatrix_dense (const DenseMatrix &A, DenseMatrix &B, unsigned row_start, unsigned col_start, unsigned row_end, unsigned col_end, unsigned row_step, unsigned col_step) |
void | row_exchange_dense (DenseMatrix &A, unsigned i, unsigned j) |
void | row_mul_scalar_dense (DenseMatrix &A, unsigned i, RCP< const Basic > &c) |
void | row_add_row_dense (DenseMatrix &A, unsigned i, unsigned j, RCP< const Basic > &c) |
void | permuteFwd (DenseMatrix &A, permutelist &pl) |
void | column_exchange_dense (DenseMatrix &A, unsigned i, unsigned j) |
void | pivoted_gaussian_elimination (const DenseMatrix &A, DenseMatrix &B, permutelist &pivotlist) |
void | fraction_free_gaussian_elimination (const DenseMatrix &A, DenseMatrix &B) |
void | pivoted_fraction_free_gaussian_elimination (const DenseMatrix &A, DenseMatrix &B, permutelist &pivotlist) |
void | pivoted_gauss_jordan_elimination (const DenseMatrix &A, DenseMatrix &B, permutelist &pivotlist) |
void | fraction_free_gauss_jordan_elimination (const DenseMatrix &A, DenseMatrix &B) |
void | pivoted_fraction_free_gauss_jordan_elimination (const DenseMatrix &A, DenseMatrix &B, permutelist &pivotlist) |
unsigned | pivot (DenseMatrix &B, unsigned r, unsigned c) |
void | reduced_row_echelon_form (const DenseMatrix &A, DenseMatrix &B, vec_uint &pivot_cols, bool normalize_last) |
void | diagonal_solve (const DenseMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &b, DenseMatrix &x) |
void | back_substitution (const DenseMatrix &U, const DenseMatrix &b, DenseMatrix &x) |
void | forward_substitution (const DenseMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &b, DenseMatrix &x) |
void | fraction_free_gaussian_elimination_solve (const DenseMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &b, DenseMatrix &x) |
void | fraction_free_gauss_jordan_solve (const DenseMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &b, DenseMatrix &x, bool pivot) |
void | fraction_free_LU (const DenseMatrix &A, DenseMatrix &LU) |
void | LU (const DenseMatrix &A, DenseMatrix &L, DenseMatrix &U) |
void | pivoted_LU (const DenseMatrix &A, DenseMatrix &LU, permutelist &pl) |
void | pivoted_LU (const DenseMatrix &A, DenseMatrix &L, DenseMatrix &U, permutelist &pl) |
void | fraction_free_LDU (const DenseMatrix &A, DenseMatrix &L, DenseMatrix &D, DenseMatrix &U) |
void | QR (const DenseMatrix &A, DenseMatrix &Q, DenseMatrix &R) |
void | LDL (const DenseMatrix &A, DenseMatrix &L, DenseMatrix &D) |
void | cholesky (const DenseMatrix &A, DenseMatrix &L) |
bool | is_symmetric_dense (const DenseMatrix &A) |
RCP< const Basic > | det_bareis (const DenseMatrix &A) |
void | berkowitz (const DenseMatrix &A, std::vector< DenseMatrix > &polys) |
void | inverse_fraction_free_LU (const DenseMatrix &A, DenseMatrix &B) |
void | inverse_LU (const DenseMatrix &A, DenseMatrix &B) |
void | inverse_pivoted_LU (const DenseMatrix &A, DenseMatrix &B) |
void | inverse_gauss_jordan (const DenseMatrix &A, DenseMatrix &B) |
void | dot (const DenseMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &B, DenseMatrix &C) |
void | cross (const DenseMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &B, DenseMatrix &C) |
void | eye (DenseMatrix &A, int k) |
void | diag (DenseMatrix &A, vec_basic &v, int k) |
void | ones (DenseMatrix &A) |
void | zeros (DenseMatrix &A) |
Definition at line 104 of file matrix.h.