1 #include "mp_class.h"
2 #include <boost/multiprecision/miller_rabin.hpp>
3 #include <boost/mpl/int.hpp>
4 #include <utility>
5 #include <cmath>
6 #include <symengine/symengine_assert.h>
7 #include <symengine/symengine_exception.h>
8 #include <symengine/prime_sieve.h>
10 using boost::multiprecision::denominator;
11 using boost::multiprecision::miller_rabin_test;
12 using boost::multiprecision::numerator;
13 using boost::multiprecision::detail::find_lsb;
17 namespace SymEngine
18 {
20 integer_class pow(const integer_class &a, unsigned long b)
21 {
22  return boost::multiprecision::pow(a, numeric_cast<unsigned>(b));
23 }
25 void mp_fdiv_qr(integer_class &q, integer_class &r, const integer_class &a,
26  const integer_class &b)
27 {
28  /*boost::multiprecision doesn't have a built-in fdiv_qr (floored division).
29  Its divide_qr uses truncated division, as does its
30  modulus operator. Thus, using boost::multiprecision::divide_qr we get:
31  divide_qr(-5, 3, quo, rem) //quo == -1, rem == -2
32  divide_qr(5, -3, quo, rem) //quo == -1, rem == 2
33  but we want:
34  mp_fdiv_r(quo, rem, -5, 3) //quo == -2, rem == 1
35  mp_fdiv_r(quo, rem, 5, -3) //rem == -2, rem == -1
36  The problem arises only when the quotient is negative. To convert
37  a truncated result into a floored result in this case, simply subtract
38  one from the truncated quotient and add the divisor to the truncated
39  remainder.
40  */
42  // must copy a and b before calling divide_qr because a or b may refer to
43  // the same
44  // object as q or r, causing incorrect results
45  integer_class a_cpy = a, b_cpy = b;
46  bool neg_quotient = ((a < 0 && b > 0) || (a > 0 && b < 0)) ? true : false;
47  boost::multiprecision::divide_qr(a_cpy, b_cpy, q, r);
48  // floor the quotient if necessary
49  if (neg_quotient && r != 0) {
50  q -= 1;
51  }
52  // remainder should have same sign as divisor
53  if ((b_cpy > 0 && r < 0) || (b_cpy < 0 && r > 0)) {
54  r += b_cpy;
55  return;
56  }
57 }
59 void mp_cdiv_qr(integer_class &q, integer_class &r, const integer_class &a,
60  const integer_class &b)
61 {
62  integer_class a_cpy = a, b_cpy = b;
63  bool pos_quotient = ((a < 0 && b < 0) || (a > 0 && b > 0)) ? true : false;
64  boost::multiprecision::divide_qr(a_cpy, b_cpy, q, r);
65  // ceil the quotient if necessary
66  if (pos_quotient && r != 0) {
67  q += 1;
68  }
69  // remainder should have opposite sign as divisor
70  if ((b_cpy > 0 && r > 0) || (b_cpy < 0 && r < 0)) {
71  r -= b_cpy;
72  return;
73  }
74 }
76 void mp_gcdext(integer_class &gcd, integer_class &s, integer_class &t,
77  const integer_class &a, const integer_class &b)
78 {
80  integer_class this_s(1);
81  integer_class this_t(0);
82  integer_class next_s(0);
83  integer_class next_t(1);
84  integer_class this_r(a);
85  integer_class next_r(b);
86  integer_class q;
87  while (next_r != 0) {
88  // should use truncated division, so use
89  // boost::multiprecision::divide_qr
90  // beware of overwriting this_r during internal operations of divide_qr
91  // copy it first
92  integer_class this_r_cpy = this_r;
93  boost::multiprecision::divide_qr(this_r_cpy, next_r, q, this_r);
94  this_s -= q * next_s;
95  this_t -= q * next_t;
96  std::swap(this_s, next_s);
97  std::swap(this_t, next_t);
98  std::swap(this_r, next_r);
99  }
100  // normalize the gcd, s and t
101  if (this_r < 0) {
102  this_r *= -1;
103  this_s *= -1;
104  this_t *= -1;
105  }
106  gcd = std::move(this_r);
107  s = std::move(this_s);
108  t = std::move(this_t);
109 }
111 bool mp_invert(integer_class &res, const integer_class &a,
112  const integer_class &m)
113 {
114  integer_class gcd, s, t;
115  mp_gcdext(gcd, s, t, a, m);
116  if (gcd != 1) {
117  res = 0;
118  return false;
119  } else {
120  mp_fdiv_r(s, s, m); // reduce s modulo m. undefined behavior when m ==
121  // 0, so don't need to check
122  if (s < 0) {
123  s += mp_abs(m);
124  } // give the canonical representative of s
125  res = s;
126  return true;
127  }
128 }
130 // floored modulus
131 integer_class fmod(const integer_class &a, const integer_class &mod)
132 {
133  integer_class res = a % mod;
134  if (res < 0) {
135  res += mod;
136  }
137  return res;
138 }
140 void mp_pow_ui(rational_class &res, const rational_class &i, unsigned long n)
141 {
142  integer_class num = numerator(i); // copy
143  integer_class den = denominator(i); // copy
144  num = pow(num, n);
145  den = pow(den, n);
146  res = rational_class(std::move(num), std::move(den));
147 }
149 void mp_powm(integer_class &res, const integer_class &base,
150  const integer_class &exp, const integer_class &m)
151 {
152  // if exp is negative, interpret as follows
153  // base**(exp) mod m == (base**(-1))**abs(exp) mod m
154  // == (base**(-1) mod m) ** abs(exp) mod m
155  // where base**(-1) mod m is the modular inverse
156  if (exp < 0) {
157  integer_class base_inverse;
158  if (!mp_invert(base_inverse, base, m)) {
159  throw SymEngine::SymEngineException("negative exponent undefined "
160  "in powm if base is not "
161  "invertible mod m");
162  }
163  res = boost::multiprecision::powm(base_inverse, mp_abs(exp), m);
164  return;
165  } else {
166  res = boost::multiprecision::powm(base, exp, m);
167  // boost's powm calculates base**exp % m, but uses truncated
168  // modulus, e.g. powm(-2,3,5) == -3. We want powm(-2,3,5) == 2
169  if (res < 0) {
170  res += m;
171  }
172  }
173 }
175 integer_class step(const unsigned long &n, const integer_class &i,
176  integer_class &x)
177 {
179  unsigned long m = n - 1;
180  integer_class &&x_m = pow(x, m);
181  return integer_class((integer_class(m * x) + integer_class(i / x_m)) / n);
182 }
184 bool positive_root(integer_class &res, const integer_class &i,
185  const unsigned long n)
186 {
187  integer_class x
188  = 1; // TODO: make a better starting guess based on (number of bits)/n
189  integer_class y = step(n, i, x);
190  do {
191  x = y;
192  y = step(n, i, x);
193  } while (y < x);
194  res = x;
195  if (pow(x, n) == i) {
196  return true;
197  }
198  return false;
199 }
201 // return true if i is a perfect nth power, i.e. res**i == n
202 bool mp_root(integer_class &res, const integer_class &i, const unsigned long n)
203 {
204  if (n == 0) {
205  throw std::runtime_error("0th root is undefined");
206  }
207  if (n == 1) {
208  res = i;
209  return true;
210  }
211  if (i == 0) {
212  res = 0;
213  return true;
214  }
215  if (i > 0) {
216  return positive_root(res, i, n);
217  }
218  if (i < 0 && (n % 2 == 0)) {
219  throw std::runtime_error("even root of a negative is non-real");
220  }
221  bool b = positive_root(res, -i, n);
222  res *= -1;
223  return b;
224 }
226 integer_class mp_sqrt(const integer_class &i)
227 {
228  // as of 11/1/2016, boost::multiprecision::sqrt() is buggy:
229  //
230  // implement with mp_root for now
231  integer_class res;
232  mp_root(res, i, 2);
233  return res;
234 }
236 void mp_rootrem(integer_class &a, integer_class &b, const integer_class &i,
237  unsigned long n)
238 {
239  mp_root(a, i, n);
240  integer_class p = pow(a, n);
241  ;
242  b = i - p;
243 }
245 void mp_sqrtrem(integer_class &a, integer_class &b, const integer_class &i)
246 {
247  a = mp_sqrt(i);
248  b = i - boost::multiprecision::pow(a, 2);
249 }
251 // return nonzero if i is probably prime.
252 int mp_probab_prime_p(const integer_class &i, unsigned retries)
253 {
254  if (i % 2 == 0)
255  return (i == 2);
256  return miller_rabin_test(i, retries);
257 }
259 void mp_nextprime(integer_class &res, const integer_class &i)
260 {
261  // simple implementation: just check all odds bigger than i for primality
262  if (i < 2) {
263  res = 2;
264  return;
265  }
266  integer_class candidate;
267  candidate = (i % 2 == 0) ? i + 1 : i + 2;
268  // Knuth recommends 25 trials for a pretty strong likelihood that candidate
269  // is prime
270  while (!mp_probab_prime_p(candidate, 25)) {
271  candidate += 2;
272  }
273  res = std::move(candidate);
274 }
276 unsigned long mp_scan1(const integer_class &i)
277 {
278  if (i == 0) {
279  return ULONG_MAX;
280  }
281  return find_lsb(i, {});
282 }
284 // define simple 2x2 matrix with exponentiation by repeated squaring
285 // to use in logarithmic-time fibonacci calculation
288  integer_class data[2][2]; // data[1][0] is row 1, column 0 entry of matrix
290  two_by_two_matrix(integer_class a, integer_class b, integer_class c,
291  integer_class d)
292  : data{{a, b}, {c, d}}
293  {
294  }
295  two_by_two_matrix() : data{{0, 0}, {0, 0}} {}
296  two_by_two_matrix(const two_by_two_matrix &other) = default;
297  two_by_two_matrix &operator=(const two_by_two_matrix &other)
298  {
299  this->data[0][0] =[0][0];
300  this->data[0][1] =[0][1];
301  this->data[1][0] =[1][0];
302  this->data[1][1] =[1][1];
303  return *this;
304  }
305  two_by_two_matrix operator*(const two_by_two_matrix &other)
306  {
307  two_by_two_matrix res;
308[0][0] = this->data[0][0] *[0][0]
309  + this->data[0][1] *[1][0];
310[0][1] = this->data[0][0] *[0][1]
311  + this->data[0][1] *[1][1];
312[1][0] = this->data[1][0] *[0][0]
313  + this->data[1][1] *[1][0];
314[1][1] = this->data[1][0] *[0][1]
315  + this->data[1][1] *[1][1];
316  return res;
317  }
318  // recursive repeated squaring
319  two_by_two_matrix pow(unsigned long n)
320  {
321  if (n == 0) {
322  return two_by_two_matrix::identity();
323  }
324  if (n == 1) {
325  return *this;
326  }
327  if (n == 2) {
328  return (*this) * (*this);
329  }
330  if (n % 2 == 0) {
331  return (this->pow(n / 2)).pow(2);
332  }
333  return ((this->pow((n - 1) / 2)).pow(2)) * (*this);
334  }
336  static two_by_two_matrix identity()
337  {
338  return two_by_two_matrix(1, 0, 0, 1);
339  }
340 };
342 inline two_by_two_matrix fib_matrix(unsigned long n)
343 {
344  two_by_two_matrix x(1, 1, 1, 0);
345  return x.pow(n);
346 }
348 void mp_fib_ui(integer_class &res, unsigned long n)
349 {
350  // reference:
351  res = fib_matrix(n).data[0][1];
352 }
354 // sets a = Fibonacci(n) and b = Fibonacci(n-1)
355 void mp_fib2_ui(integer_class &a, integer_class &b, unsigned long n)
356 {
357  // reference:
358  two_by_two_matrix result_matrix = fib_matrix(n);
359  a =[0][1];
360  b =[1][1];
361 }
363 inline two_by_two_matrix luc_matrix(unsigned long n)
364 {
365  two_by_two_matrix multiplier(1, 1, 1, 0);
366  two_by_two_matrix start(1, 0, 2, 0);
367  return multiplier.pow(n) * start;
368 }
370 void mp_lucnum_ui(integer_class &res, unsigned long n)
371 {
372  // implementation based on the following fact:
373  // [[1,1],[1,0]]^(n-1)*[2,0,1,0] = [[L(n+1),0][L(n),0]]
374  // where L(n) is the nth Lucas number
375  res = luc_matrix(n).data[1][0];
376 }
378 void mp_lucnum2_ui(integer_class &a, integer_class &b, unsigned long n)
379 {
380  if (n == 0) {
381  throw std::runtime_error("index of lucas number cannot be negative");
382  }
383  two_by_two_matrix result_matrix = luc_matrix(n - 1);
384  a =[0][0];
385  b =[1][0];
386 }
388 void mp_fac_ui(integer_class &res, unsigned long n)
389 {
390  // couldn't make boost's template version of factorial work,
391  // so implement slow, naive version for now
392  res = 1;
393  for (unsigned long i = 2; i <= n; ++i) {
394  res *= i;
395  }
396 }
398 void mp_bin_ui(integer_class &res, const integer_class &n, unsigned long r)
399 {
400  // slow, naive implementation
401  integer_class x = n - r;
402  res = 1;
403  for (unsigned long i = 1; i <= r; ++i) {
404  res *= x + i;
405  res /= i;
406  }
407 }
409 // this is extremely slow!
410 bool mp_perfect_power_p(const integer_class &i)
411 {
412  if (i == 0 || i == 1 || i == -1) {
413  return true;
414  }
415  // if i == a**k, with k == pq for some integers p,q
416  // then i == a**(pq) == (a**p)**q == (a**q)**p
417  // hence i is a pth power and a qth power
418  // Hence if i == p**k, then i is a pth power for any p
419  // in the prime factorization of k, and it suffices
420  // to check whether i is a prime power.
422  // the largest possible prime p would arise from the
423  // case where i is a prime power of two
424  // so check all prime roots up to log(i) base 2.
426  unsigned long max = std::ilogb(i.convert_to<double>());
428  // treat case p=2 separately b/c mp_root throws exception
429  // with an even root of a negative
430  if (mp_perfect_square_p(i)) {
431  return true;
432  }
433  integer_class p(2);
434  integer_class root(0);
435  while (true) {
436  mp_nextprime(p, p);
437  if (p > max) {
438  return false;
439  }
440  if (mp_root(root, i, p.convert_to<unsigned long>())) {
441  return true;
442  }
443  }
444 }
446 bool mp_perfect_square_p(const integer_class &i)
447 {
448  if (i < 0) {
449  return false;
450  }
451  integer_class root;
452  return mp_root(root, i, 2);
453 }
455 integer_class mp_primorial(unsigned long n)
456 {
457  integer_class res = 1;
458  Sieve::iterator pi(static_cast<unsigned>(n));
459  unsigned int p;
460  while ((p = pi.next_prime()) <= n) {
461  res *= p;
462  }
463  return res;
464 }
466 // according to the gmp documentation, the behavior of the
467 // corresponding function mpz_legendre is
468 // undefined if n is not a positive odd prime.
469 // hence we treat n as though it were a positive odd prime
470 // but it is up to the caller to very this.
471 int mp_legendre(const integer_class &a, const integer_class &n)
472 {
473  integer_class res;
474  mp_powm(res, a, integer_class((n - 1) / 2), n);
475  return res <= 1 ? res.convert_to<int>() : -1;
476 }
478 // private function that computes jacobi symbols
479 // without checking that arguments satisfy a >= 0
480 // and n is odd.
481 int unchecked_jacobi(const integer_class &a, const integer_class &n)
482 {
483  //
484  if (a == 1) {
485  return 1;
486  }
487  integer_class num = a;
488  integer_class den = n;
489  // (1) Reduce the "numerator" modulo the "denominator"
490  num = fmod(num, den);
492  // (2) Extract any factors of 2 from the "numerator"
493  unsigned long factors_of_two = 0;
494  while (num % 2 == 0 && num != 0) {
495  num /= 2; // use a shift instead of division here? faster?
496  ++factors_of_two;
497  }
498  int product_of_twos = 1; // (2 | den)**factors_of_two
500  // (2 | den) is -1 iff den % 8 = 3 or den % 8 = 5.
501  // If factors_of_two is odd and (2 | den) is -1,
502  // then (2 | den)**factors_of_two is -1.
503  // Otherwise, (2 | den)**factors_of_two is 1.
504  int den_mod_8 = fmod(den, 8).convert_to<int>();
505  if ((factors_of_two % 2 == 1) && (den_mod_8 == 3 || den_mod_8 == 5)) {
506  product_of_twos = -1;
507  }
509  // (3) If the remaining "numerator" (after extraction of twos) is 1,
510  // then the remaining jacobi symbol is 1.
511  // If the "numerator" and "denominator" are not coprime, result is 0.
512  if (num == 1) {
513  return product_of_twos;
514  }
515  if (boost::multiprecision::gcd(num, den) != 1) {
516  return 0;
517  }
519  // (4) Otherwise, the "numerator" and "denominator" are now odd
520  // positive coprime integers, so we can flip the symbol
521  // with quadratic reciprocity, then return to step (1)
523  // (num | den) == (den | num), unless num % 4 and den %4 are both
524  // 3, in which case (num | den) == (-1) * (den | num)
525  int quadratic_reciprocity_factor = 1;
526  if ((fmod(num, 4) == 3) && (fmod(den, 4) == 3)) {
527  quadratic_reciprocity_factor = -1;
528  }
529  return product_of_twos * quadratic_reciprocity_factor
530  * unchecked_jacobi(den, num);
531 }
533 // public interface for computing jacobi symbols. performs checking.
534 int mp_jacobi(const integer_class &a, const integer_class &n)
535 {
536  if (n < 0) {
537  throw std::runtime_error("jacobi denominator must be positive");
538  }
539  if (n % 2 == 0) {
540  throw std::runtime_error("jacobi denominator must be odd");
541  }
542  return unchecked_jacobi(a, n);
543 }
545 int mp_kronecker(const integer_class &a, const integer_class &n)
546 {
547  /*
549  We compute the Kronecker symbol in terms of the Jacobi symbol.
550  For an integer n!=0, let n = u * PRODUCT (p_i**e_i), where u = -1 or 1 and
551  the p_i's and e_i's are the primes and corresponding powers
552  in the prime factorization of |n|.
553  Then for an integer a, the Kronecker symbol is given by
554  (a | n) = (a | u) * PRODUCT [(a | p_i)**e_i]
555  where
556  (a | u) is -1 if u is -1 and a < 0. Otherwise it is 1.
557  (a | 2) is 0 if a is even, 1 if (a mod 8) == 1 or 7, and -1 if (a mod 8) ==
558  3 or 5.
559  (a | p) is the Legendre symbol if p is an odd prime.
561  Let j be the power of the prime 2 in n's prime factorization, and let
562  m = |n|/(2**j) -- that is, m is |n| with all factors of 2 extracted.
564  Notice that, if p_1 is 2, then
565  PRODUCT [(a | p_i)**e_i]
566  == (a | 2)**j * PRODUCT [(a | p_i)**e_i] here the p_i's are the remaining
567  (odd) prime factors
568  == (a | 2)**j * (a | m), here (a | m) is the Jacobi
569  symbol, because m>0 is odd
571  Thus,
572  (a | n) == (a | u) * (a | 2)**j * (a | m) if n is even
573  (a | n) == (a | u) * (a | m) if n is odd
574  */
576  if (n == 0) {
577  throw std::runtime_error("second arg of Kronecker cannot be zero");
578  }
580  // Compute (a | u)
581  int kr_a_u = 1;
582  if (n.sign() == -1 && a < 0) {
583  kr_a_u = -1;
584  }
586  // Compute m, j
587  integer_class m = boost::multiprecision::abs(n);
588  unsigned long j = 0;
589  while (m % 2 == 0 && m != 0) { // while m is even
590  m /= 2; // implement with shift? faster?
591  ++j;
592  }
594  // if n is even, compute (a | 2)**j
595  int kr_a_2 = 0;
596  int kr_a_2_to_j = 0;
597  int a_mod_8 = fmod(a, 8).convert_to<int>();
599  if (a % 2 != 0) {
600  kr_a_2 = (a_mod_8 == 1 || a_mod_8 == 7) ? 1 : -1;
601  kr_a_2_to_j = (kr_a_2 == -1 && (j % 2 != 0))
602  ? -1
603  : 1; //(-1)**odd == -1; (-1)**even=(1)**integer=1
604  }
606  if (n % 2 == 0) {
607  return kr_a_u * kr_a_2_to_j * unchecked_jacobi(a, m);
608  } else {
609  return kr_a_u * unchecked_jacobi(a, m);
610  }
611 }
613 } // namespace SymEngine
T fmod(T... args)
T ilogb(T... args)
T move(T... args)
Main namespace for SymEngine package.
Definition: add.cpp:19
RCP< const Integer > gcd(const Integer &a, const Integer &b)
Greatest Common Divisor.
Definition: ntheory.cpp:32
RCP< const Basic > max(const vec_basic &arg)
Canonicalize Max:
Definition: functions.cpp:3555
RCP< const Integer > mod(const Integer &n, const Integer &d)
modulo round toward zero
Definition: ntheory.cpp:67
RCP< const Basic > exp(const RCP< const Basic > &x)
Returns the natural exponential function E**x = pow(E, x)
Definition: pow.cpp:271
T pow(T... args)
T swap(T... args)