These functions currently use DoubleVisitor
convert a Basic/VecBasic object to a DoubleVisitor
essentially is a S4 class extending R function.
lambdify(x, args, backend = c("auto", "lambda", "llvm"), perform_cse = TRUE)
# S3 method for BasicOrVecBasic
as.function(x, args, backend = "auto", perform_cse = TRUE, ...)
A Basic object or a VecBasic object.
A VecBasic object specifying the arguments of the resulted function.
It will be passed to DoubleVisitor
and can be missing.
One of "auto", "lambda" and "llvm". If "auto",
will be used to determine the value. If that
option is not set, it will be determined based on symengine_have_component("llvm")
Passed to DoubleVisitor
Not used
A DoubleVisitor
S4 object.