Program Listing for File symengine_rcp.h

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#include <iostream>
#include <cstddef>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <ciso646>

#include <symengine/symengine_config.h>
#include <symengine/symengine_assert.h>


#include <atomic>


// Include all Teuchos headers here:
#include <symengine/utilities/teuchos/Teuchos_RCP.hpp>
#include <symengine/utilities/teuchos/Teuchos_TypeNameTraits.hpp>


namespace SymEngine


/* Ptr */

// Ptr is always pointing to a valid object (can never be nullptr).

template <class T>
class Ptr
    inline explicit Ptr(T *ptr) : ptr_(ptr)
        SYMENGINE_ASSERT(ptr_ != nullptr)
    inline Ptr(const Ptr<T> &ptr) : ptr_(ptr.ptr_)
    template <class T2>
    inline Ptr(const Ptr<T2> &ptr) : ptr_(ptr.get())
    Ptr<T> &operator=(const Ptr<T> &ptr)
        ptr_ = ptr.get();
        return *this;
    inline Ptr(Ptr &&) = default;
    Ptr<T> &operator=(Ptr &&) = default;
    inline T *operator->() const
        return ptr_;
    inline T &operator*() const
        return *ptr_;
    inline T *get() const
        return ptr_;
    inline T *getRawPtr() const
        return get();
    inline const Ptr<T> ptr() const
        return *this;

    T *ptr_;

template <typename T>
inline Ptr<T> outArg(T &arg)
    return Ptr<T>(&arg);

template <typename T>
inline Ptr<T> ptrFromRef(T &arg)
    return Ptr<T>(&arg);

/* RCP */

enum ENull { null };

// RCP can be null. Functionally it should be equivalent to Teuchos::RCP.

template <class T>
class RCP
    RCP(ENull null_arg = null) : ptr_(nullptr)
    explicit RCP(T *p) : ptr_(p)
        SYMENGINE_ASSERT(ptr_ != nullptr)
    // Copy constructor
    RCP(const RCP<T> &rp) : ptr_(rp.ptr_)
        if (not is_null())
    // Copy constructor
    template <class T2>
    RCP(const RCP<T2> &r_ptr) : ptr_(r_ptr.get())
        if (not is_null())
    // Move constructor
    RCP(RCP<T> &&rp) SYMENGINE_NOEXCEPT : ptr_(rp.ptr_)
        rp.ptr_ = nullptr;
    // Move constructor
    template <class T2>
    RCP(RCP<T2> &&r_ptr)
    SYMENGINE_NOEXCEPT : ptr_(r_ptr.get())
        if (ptr_ != nullptr and --(ptr_->refcount_) == 0)
            delete ptr_;
    T *operator->() const
        SYMENGINE_ASSERT(ptr_ != nullptr)
        return ptr_;
    T &operator*() const
        SYMENGINE_ASSERT(ptr_ != nullptr)
        return *ptr_;
    T *get() const
        return ptr_;
    Ptr<T> ptr() const
        return Ptr<T>(get());
    bool is_null() const
        return ptr_ == nullptr;
    template <class T2>
    bool operator==(const RCP<T2> &p2)
        return ptr_ == p2.ptr_;
    template <class T2>
    bool operator!=(const RCP<T2> &p2)
        return ptr_ != p2.ptr_;
    // Copy assignment
    RCP<T> &operator=(const RCP<T> &r_ptr)
        T *r_ptr_ptr_ = r_ptr.ptr_;
        if (not r_ptr.is_null())
        if (not is_null() and --(ptr_->refcount_) == 0)
            delete ptr_;
        ptr_ = r_ptr_ptr_;
        return *this;
    // Move assignment
    RCP<T> &operator=(RCP<T> &&r_ptr)
        std::swap(ptr_, r_ptr.ptr_);
        return *this;
    void reset()
        if (not is_null() and --(ptr_->refcount_) == 0)
            delete ptr_;
        ptr_ = nullptr;
    // Don't use this function directly:
    void _set_null()
        ptr_ = nullptr;

    T *ptr_;

template <class T>
inline RCP<T> rcp(T *p)
    return RCP<T>(p);

template <class T2, class T1>
inline RCP<T2> rcp_static_cast(const RCP<T1> &p1)
    // Make the compiler check if the conversion is legal
    T2 *check = static_cast<T2 *>(p1.get());
    return RCP<T2>(check);

template <class T2, class T1>
inline RCP<T2> rcp_dynamic_cast(const RCP<T1> &p1)
    if (not p1.is_null()) {
        T2 *p = nullptr;
        // Make the compiler check if the conversion is legal
        p = dynamic_cast<T2 *>(p1.get());
        if (p) {
            return RCP<T2>(p);
    throw std::runtime_error("rcp_dynamic_cast: cannot convert.");

template <class T2, class T1>
inline RCP<T2> rcp_const_cast(const RCP<T1> &p1)
    // Make the compiler check if the conversion is legal
    T2 *check = const_cast<T2 *>(p1.get());
    return RCP<T2>(check);

template <class T>
inline bool operator==(const RCP<T> &p, ENull)
    return p.get() == nullptr;

template <typename T>
std::string typeName(const T &t)
    return "RCP<>";

void print_stack_on_segfault();


using Teuchos::RCP;
using Teuchos::Ptr;
using Teuchos::outArg;
using Teuchos::ptrFromRef;
using Teuchos::rcp;
using Teuchos::rcp_dynamic_cast;
using Teuchos::rcp_static_cast;
using Teuchos::rcp_const_cast;
using Teuchos::typeName;
using Teuchos::null;
using Teuchos::print_stack_on_segfault;


template <class T>
class EnableRCPFromThis
    // Public interface
    inline RCP<T> rcp_from_this()
        return rcp(static_cast<T *>(this));
        return rcp_static_cast<T>(weak_self_ptr_.create_strong());

    inline RCP<const T> rcp_from_this() const
        return rcp(static_cast<const T *>(this));
        return rcp_static_cast<const T>(weak_self_ptr_.create_strong());

    template <class T2>
    inline RCP<const T2> rcp_from_this_cast() const
        return rcp(static_cast<const T2 *>(this));
        return rcp_static_cast<const T2>(weak_self_ptr_.create_strong());

    unsigned int use_count() const
        return refcount_;
        return weak_self_ptr_.strong_count();

    // Everything below is private interface

// The reference counter is defined either as "unsigned int" (faster, but
// not thread safe) or as std::atomic<unsigned int> (slower, but thread
// safe). Semantically they are almost equivalent, except that the
// pre-decrement operator `operator--()` returns a copy for std::atomic
// instead of a reference to itself.
// The refcount_ is defined as mutable, because it does not change the
// state of the instance, but changes when more copies
// of the same instance are made.
    mutable std::atomic<unsigned int> refcount_; // reference counter
    mutable unsigned int refcount_; // reference counter
    EnableRCPFromThis() : refcount_(0)

    mutable RCP<T> weak_self_ptr_;

    void set_weak_self_ptr(const RCP<T> &w)
        weak_self_ptr_ = w;

    void set_weak_self_ptr(const RCP<const T> &w) const
        weak_self_ptr_ = rcp_const_cast<T>(w);

    template <class T_>
    friend class RCP;

    template <typename T_, typename... Args>
    friend inline RCP<T_> make_rcp(Args &&... args);

template <typename T, typename... Args>
inline RCP<T> make_rcp(Args &&... args)
    return rcp(new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
    RCP<T> p = rcp(new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
    return p;

} // SymEngine
