Class Beta

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class SymEngine::Beta : public SymEngine::TwoArgBasic<Function>

Public Functions

Beta(const RCP<const Basic> &x, const RCP<const Basic> &y)

Beta Constructor.

bool is_canonical(const RCP<const Basic> &s, const RCP<const Basic> &x)


true if canonical

RCP<const Basic> rewrite_as_gamma() const
RCP<const Basic> create(const RCP<const Basic> &a, const RCP<const Basic> &b) const


canonicalized Beta

RCP<const Basic> create(const RCP<const Basic> &a, const RCP<const Basic> &b) const = 0

The beta function, also called the Euler integral of the first kind, is a special function defined by

.. math:: \Beta(x, y) := \int^{1}_{0} t^{x-1} (1-t)^{y-1} \mathrm{d}t.

RCP<const Basic> create(const vec_basic &b) const

The beta function, also called the Euler integral of the first kind, is a special function defined by

.. math:: \Beta(x, y) := \int^{1}_{0} t^{x-1} (1-t)^{y-1} \mathrm{d}t.

Public Static Functions

RCP<const Beta> from_two_basic(const RCP<const Basic> &x, const RCP<const Basic> &y)

return Beta with ordered arguments