# Following Along Though the static version of the site is of use as a supplement to the API docs, users will benefit maximally by playing around with the code snippets. ## Binder [![Binder](https://mybinder.org/badge_logo.svg)](https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/Symengine/symengine.github.io/sources) - Note that the `binder` instance can take up-to fifteen minutes for the first build - It is therefore not very highly recommended ## Locally In order to run these tutorials locally, the following setup is suggested [[^1]]: ```bash # First run conda env create -f symedocs.yml # On pulls and syncs conda env update -f symedocs.yml # Activate conda activate symedocs # Generate ipynb rake genJup ``` ### Running The simplest way is to now spin up the `jupyter-server` and navigate through the `use/` folders. ```bash # In an activated environment jupyter-server ``` [^1]: To **add** to the documentation, see the {ref}`contributing` details